
Contact Us

Feedback Form | Chat

Our secure feedback forms allow you to contact us with peace of mind. You can contact us for any of the following reasons: loan information, loan applications, status of loan application, new account information, wires, membership eligibility, past due account inquiries, debt counseling, ATM questions, allotment or direct deposit inquiries, general comments about Fort Liberty Federal Credit Union’s products and services, staff, or other related subjects. Contact the Supervisory Committee for concerns which cannot be resolved via Fort Liberty Federal Credit Union's normal operating procedures.  

FLFCU Live Chat is available:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Please Note: When sending your message to us, please include all relevant information in order to process your request promptly and accurately. This includes your name, address, your account number, and daytime phone number, if applicable. For security purposes, you may be requested to provide additional information, including but not limited to, a faxed signature. Please note, our feedback form is a secure form.

Your Volunteer Board of Directors

  • Karen C. Elsom, Chairman

  • (Retired CW5) Willie M. Dickens, 1st Vice Chairman

  • (Retired Chief Master Sergeant) James L. Sinclair, 2nd Vice Chairman

  • (Retired Command Sergeant Major) David A. Hunt, Treasurer

  • Brenda K. Britt, Secretary

  • (Retired Lieutenant Colonel) Herbert L. Swarts, Director

  • (Deputy Chief of Staff Controller Sergeant Major) Philip B. Rutherford, Director

Mailing Address

PO Box 70240

Fort Liberty, NC 28307

Telephone Numbers

Toll-free: 1-866-79-FLFCU
Local: 910-864-2232

Card services

Toll-free: 833-984-3336
Local: 910-864-8714

First Mortgage

Toll-free: 1-866-79-FLFCU (Extension 8409)
Local: 910-864-2232 (Extension 8409)

Fax Lines

910-868-9313 Fax - Skibo branch
910-482-3458 Fax - Ramsey branch
910-487-5158 Fax - Raeford branch
910-436-1840 Fax - Bastogne branch, Fort Liberty

Feedback Form

TO REPORT PLASTIC CARDS AS LOST OR STOLEN AFTER-HOURS (Fort Liberty Federal Credit Union ATM, Visa Debit and Credit Cards) PLEASE CALL THIS NUMBER: (888) 373-5714