Military Programs/Life
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Preparing yourself for deployment
Financial issues can be a significant challenge during deployment. If you take the time to prepare for these changes, you may find it easier to adjust. Here are some things you should think about when you're preparing for deployment.
Update and check legal and financial documents and details.
This should include updating wills and medical directives, creating powers of attorney documents, and ensuring that family members have access to accounts and documents.
Consider making a Will, especially if you have minor children or own real estate. If you already have a Will, make sure you keep it up to date.
Maintain a record of Emergency Data in your personnel file and make sure it is up to date.
Prepare a Power of Attorney now, but to take effect only when you are deployed. The POA should authorize someone you trust to transact business for you in your absence.
Maintain a complete copy of your own military personnel file.
List all assets, liabilities, income, and expenses.
Create a family emergency plan.
Be prepared for unexpected expenses. Open a savings account for emergencies and ensure that a family member has access to that account. Also talk about what you'd do in the case of an emergency, including where you'd go and how you would get in touch.
Fort Liberty Federal Credit Union is committed to help prepare for your deployment and have your finances in place with services designed for your convenience.
Free Notary services
Joint Savings & Checking accounts
Contact us with any questions.
Online Resources
Army Community Service – Fort Liberty
Army OneSource
BBB Military Line
Career Resources for Veterans
Corvias Military Living
Fisher House
Military OneSource
My Army Benefits
Military Pay tables
Military Money/Military Saves
Military OneSource: Moving
National Military Family Association
Operation Homefront
Support Military Spouses
The Exchange
USO of North Carolina, Fort Liberty Center