Personal Loans
Achieve Your Goals with a Simple, Affordable Solution
Ready to make your dreams a reality? Whether it’s home improvements, new furniture, going back to school, or planning a vacation, a Personal Loan from Fort Liberty Federal Credit Union can help bring your goals within reach.
With just your good name on the dotted line, you can enjoy:
Fast loan approval
Affordable rates
Flexible use for any purpose—from appliances and furniture to vacations and more.
Borrow up to $30,000
To learn more, contact us today!
You can apply for a personal loan through online banking! Start your application by clicking the button below to log in, selecting “Apply for a Loan”, then choosing “Unsecured Loan” from the options menu.
If you don't have an online banking account, no worries! Start by clicking the button below and selecting “First Time Logging In.” It’s free and easy to set up your account.